Introduction to Navigation Skills | Mountain Ways Ireland

Introduction to Navigation Skills

Introduction to Maps

  • What is a map: aerial view, scale, features, and symbols, etc..
  • Scales and effect on map detail
  • Symbols on maps including contours – what they represent on the ground
  • Suitability/reliability of OS and other production walking maps

Hill Walk 

Navigation using map-only techniques:

  • Conventional symbols and what they represent
  • Map-setting and self-location process, Direction estimation
  • Contour features: flat/steep ground, spur, valley, top, saddle, ridge, re-entrant, slope change, arêtes, corries
  • Distance estimation – on both map and ground. Estimation by eye, feel, and experience.
  • Simple navigation technique – following handrail features, the easy line features to contour line features – spurs/ridges, etc.
  • 1:50000 or 1:25000 maps most applicable to the area. Clearly identifiable points, both on the map and ground for navigation legs.

Mountain Hazards 

  • Climatic: wind, rain, mist, heat, cold, etc.
  • Topographic: precipice, vegetation, loose rock, etc.
  • Human: fitness, attitude, nutrition, etc.

Personal Equipment 

  • Essential gear and various options.
  • Extra equipment needed for hillwalking in winter and being a group leader.

 Introduction to the Mountain Environment

  • Special and fragile habitats
  • Flora & fauna, geology, history, archaeology, heritage, place names etc. 
  • Different uses of upland areas

Mountain Environment

  • Access and land ownership, legal rights of access?
  • The relationship between hillwalkers and landowners

Responsible Recreation

  • The impact of our actions on other people and on the natural environment (e.g. path erosion, where we park, dogs on the hills)

Course Details

1 Day
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